Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Red Potatoes with Bell Pepper & Onion

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A few weeks ago I was visiting my cousins and they were making the most delicious smelling breakfast potatoes and if I hadn't just eaten my own breakfast I would have gladly pulled out a fork and dug in!

So when I got home I decided to make some for my family and they were DEE-lish!

You KNOW how much I LOVE potatoes and I can't pass up a new way of making them to save my life.

I love a variety of foods for breakfast and when I make eggs, bacon, & toast I always have to make some sort of potato.

These are totally my new go-to potato for breakfast!

Here's what you need:

10 - 12 large red potatoes, washed and diced into 1 - 1-1/2 inch pieces
2 Tbs. canola oil
2 Tbs. butter
1 large red bell pepper, diced
1 large yellow onion, diced
1-2 tsp. salt (to taste)
fresh ground pepper to taste

In a skillet over medium heat, heat the butter and oil until the butter is melted.  Add the potatoes, bell peppers, & onions to the pan.

Salt & (fresh ground) pepper the mixture and stir to combine.
Continue cooking over medium for 30-40 minutes stirring regularly until fork tender.
Mmmm mmm.  Serve up and dig in!

Serves 6 - 8 

Here's the handy printable - Red Potatoes with Bell Pepper & Onion


  1. Replies
    1. Oh my goodness me too! And my poor kiddos inherited my love of potatoes too, lol


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