
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Cold Weather Comfort Foods

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Here in California it's jumping into the mid 60's and we've even had a few days in the low 70's lately but I know there are many other parts of the US and around the world that are having actual Winter weather.

Some parts of the US are having extreme winter weather too, with things like rain and snow (haven't seen either of those in awhile!).

I love having comfort food during those cold days and nights in the form of soups, stews, and chili's so I thought you guys would like some easy to prepare and super yummy ideas for when the weather turns cold and crisp in your neck of the woods.

These are some of my favorite soups, chili's, beans, and even a yummy homemade hot cocoa mix recipe :)

Have a great weekend and try to stay cozy and warm inside :)


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